Payment Purpose Codes

Payment Purpose Codes – Overview

When initiating cross-border payments, the central bank of the country may require a Purpose of Payment Code to be included with your transaction in order for your payment to be accepted and processed.

Countries requiring payment purpose codes

The following countries require payment purpose codes to be submitted with the transaction:

See below a list of payment purpose codes and their corresponding descriptions for each of these countries.


GDEGoods sold (Exports in fob value)
GDIGoods bought (Imports in cif value)
STSSea Transport
ATSAir transport
OTSOTS Other methods of transport (including Postal and courier services)
GMSProcessing repair and maintenance services on goods
INSInsurance Services
FISFinancial Services
IPCCharges for the use of intellectual property royalties
TCSTelecommunications services
ITSComputer services
IFSInformation services
RDSResearch and development services
PMSProfessional and management consulting services
TTSTechnical, trade- related and other business services
PRSPersonal, cultural, audiovisual and recreational services
IGDDividends intragroup
IIDInterest on debt intragroup
PIPProfits on Islamic products
PRRProfits or rents on real estate
DOEDividends on equity not Intragroup
ISHIncome on investment funds shares
ISLInterest on securities more than a year
ISSInterest on securities less than a year
IOLIncome on loans
IODIncome on deposits
GOSGovernment goods and services embassies etc
GRIGovernment related income taxes, tariffs, capital transfers, etc
CHCCharitable Contributions (Charity and Aid)
FAMFamily Support (Workers’ remittances)
SALSalary (Compensation of employees)
PPAPurchase of real estate abroad from residents
PPLPurchase of real estate in Bahrain from non-residents
CEAEquity and Investment fund shares for the establishment of new company from residents abroad, equity of merger or acquisition of companies abroad from residents and participation to capital increase of related companies abroad
DSFDebt instruments Intragroup foreign securities
RELReverse equity share in Bahrain
RDLReverse debt instruments in Bahrain
FSAEquity other than investment fund shares in not related companies abroad
FIAInvestment fund shares foreign
DSAPurchases and sales of foreign debt securities in not related companies- Less than a year
DLAPurchases and sales of foreign debt securities in not related companies- More than a year
FDAFinancial derivatives foreign
DLFDebt Instruments Intragroup loans, deposits foreign (above 10% share)
AFAReceipts or payments from personal residents bank account or deposits abroad
SLALoans- Drawings or Repayments on loans extended to nonresidents- Short-term
LLALoans- Drawings or Repayments on loans extended to nonresidents- Long-term
LEALeasing abroad
RFSRepos on foreign securities
TCRTrade credits and advances receivable
CELEquity and Investment fund shares for the establishment of new company in Bahrain from non-residents, equity of merger or acquisition of companies in Bahrain from non-residents and participation to capital increase of related companies from non-residents in Bahrain
LDSDebt instruments intragroup securities in Bahrain
REAReverse equity share abroad
RDAReverse debt instruments abroad
FSLEquity other than investment fund shares in not related companies in Bahrain
FILInvestment fund shares in Bahrain
DSLPurchases and sales of securities issued by residents in not related companies- Less than a year
DLLPurchases and sales of securities issued by residents in not related companies- More than a year
FDLFinancial derivatives in Bahrain
LDLDebt Instruments Intragroup loans, deposits in Bahrain (above 10% share)
AFLReceipts or payments from personal nonresidents bank account in Bahrain
SLLLoans- Drawings or Repayments on foreign loans extended to residents- Short-term
LLLLoans- Drawings or Repayments on foreign loans extended to residents- Long-term
LELLeasing in Bahrain
RLSRepos on securities issued by residents
TCPTrade credits and advances payable



CTFCross-border capital transfer
GODCross-border goods trade
STRCross-border service transfer
RMTCross-border individual remittance
OTFOther transfers



advertisingAdvertising and public relations-related expensesBusiness, Individual
advisor_feesFees for advisory, technical, academic or specialist assistanceBusiness, Individual
constructionConstruction costs/expensesBusiness, Individual
deliveryDelivery fees for goodsBusiness, Individual
educationEducation-related student expensesIndividual
exportsPayments for exported goodsBusiness, Individual
familyFamily maintenanceBusiness, Individual
fund_investmentMutual fund investmentIndividual
goodsTrade settlement for goods and general goods tradesBusiness, Individual
hotelHotel accommodationIndividual
insurance_claimsInsurance claims paymentBusiness, Individual
insurance_premiumInsurance premiumIndividual
loan_repaymentRepayment of loansIndividual
medicalMedical treatment and expensesIndividual
officeRepresentative office expensesBusiness, Individual
other_feesBroker, front end, commitment, guarantee and custodian feesBusiness, Individual
property_purchasePurchase of residential propertyIndividual
royaltiesRoyalty, trademark, patent and copyright feesBusiness, Individual
servicesInformation service chargesBusiness, Individual
share_investmentInvestment in sharesIndividual
taxTax paymentIndividual
transferTransfer to own accountBusiness, Individual
transportationTransportation fees for goodsBusiness, Individual
travelTravelBusiness, Individual
utilitiesUtility billsIndividual



advertisingAdvertising and public relations-related expenses
advisor_feesFees for advisory, technical, academic or specialist assistance
business_insuranceProduct indemnity insurance
constructionConstruction costs/expenses
deliveryDelivery fees for goods
educationEducation-related student expenses
exportsPayments for exported goods
familyFamily maintenance
fund_investmentMutual fund investment
homesendHomesend Payments
hotelHotel accommodation
insurance_claimsInsurance claims payment
insurance_premiumInsurance premium
loan_repaymentRepayment of loans
medicalMedical treatment and expenses
officeRepresentative office expenses
other_feesBroker, front end, commitment, guarantee and custodian fees
property_purchasePurchase of residential property
property_rentalProperty rental payment
royaltiesRoyalty, trademark, patent and copyright fees
servicesInformation service charges
share_investmentInvestment in shares
taxTax payment
transferTransfer to own account
transportationTransportation fees for goods
utilitiesUtility bills


United Arab Emirates

ACMAgency Commission
AESAdvance payment against EOS
AFAReceipts or payments from personal residents bank account or deposits abroad
AFLReceipts or payments from personal non-resident bank account in the UAE
ATSAir transport
CCPCorporate Card Payment
CEAEquity and investment fund shares for the establishment of new company from residents abroad, equity of merger or acquisition of companies abroad from residents and participation to capital increase of related companies abroad
CELEquity and investment fund shares for the establishment of new company in the UAE from non-residents, equity of merger or acquisition of companies in the UAE from non-residents and participation to capital increase of related companies from non-residents in the UAE
CHCCharitable Contributions
CINCommercial Investments
CRPCredit Card Payments
DCPPre-Paid Reloadable & Personalized Debit Card Payments
DIVDividend Payouts
DLAPurchases and sales of foreign debt securities in not related companies – More than a year
DLFDebt instruments intragroup loans, deposits foreign
DLLPurchases and sales of securities issued by residents in not related companies – More than a year
DOEDividends on equity not intra group
DSAPurchases and sales of foreign debt securities in not related companies – Less than a year
DSFDebt instruments intragroup foreign securities
DSLPurchases and sales of securities issued by residents in not related companies – Less than a year
EDUEducational Support
EMIEquated Monthly Instalments
EOSEnd of Service
FAMFamily Support
FDAFinancial derivatives foreign
FDLFinancial derivatives in the UAE
FIAInvestment fund shares foreign
FILInvestment fund shares in the UAE
FISFinancial services
FSAEquity other than investment fund shares in not related companies abroad
FSLEquity other than investment fund shares in not related companies in the UAE
GDEGoods Sold
GDIGoods bought
GMSProcessing repair and maintenance services on goods
GOSGovernment goods and services embassies etc
GRIGovernment related income taxes tariffs capital transfers etc
IFSInformation services
IGDIntra group dividends
IGTInter group transfer
IIDIntra group interest on debt
INSInsurance services
IODIncome on deposits
IOLIncome on loans
IPCCharges for the use of intellectual property royalties
IPOIPO subscriptions
IRPInterest rate swap payments
IRWInterest rate unwind payments
ISHIncome on investment funds share
ISLInterest on securities more than a year
ISSInterest on securities less than a year
ITSComputer services
LASLeave salary
LDLDebt instruments intragroup loans, deposits in the UAE
LDSDebt instruments intragroup securities in the UAE
LEALeasing abroad
LELLeasing in the UAE
LIPLoan interest payments
LLALoans – Drawings or Repayments on loans extended to nonresidents – Long-term
LLLLoans – Drawings or Repayments on foreign loans extended to residents – Long-term
LNCLoan charges
LNDLoan disbursements
MCRMonetary Claim Reimbursements Medical Insurance or Auto Insurance etc.
MWIMobile wallet cash in
MWOMobile wallet cash out
MWPMobile wallet payments
OATOwn account transfer
OTSOther modes of transport
PINPersonal Investments
PIPProfits on Islamic products
PMSProfessional and management consulting services
PORRefunds or Reversals on IPO subscriptions
POSPOS Merchant Settlement
PPAPurchase of real estate abroad from residents
PPLPurchase of real estate in the UAE from non-residents
PRPProfit rate swap payments
PRRProfits or rents on real estate
PRSPersonal cultural audio visual and recreational services
PRWProfit rate unwind payments
RDSResearch and development services
RFSRepos on foreign securities
RLSRepos on securities issued by residents
RNTRent payments
SAASalary advance
SLALoans – Drawings or Repayments on loans extended to nonresidents – Short-term
SLLLoans – Drawings or Repayments on foreign loans extended to residents – Short-term
STSSea transport
SVIStored value card cash-in
SVOStored value card cash-out
SVPStored value card payments
TCPTrade credits and advances payable
TCRTrade credits and advances receivable
TCSTelecommunication services
TOFTransfer of funds between persons Normal and Juridical
TTSTechnical trade-related and other business services
UTLUtility Bill Payments

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